Medical microbiology ; dyes ; xanthene dye , fluorescein derivate eosin y 医用微生物学.颜料.第2部分:咕砘颜料荧光素衍生物
In the first trial , combination of enzymatic digestion was used to prepare suspensions of spermatogenic cells from adult mouse testis , and then a modified discontinuous percoll gradient centrifugation method ( 15 % , 22 % , 30 % , 40 % , 50 % , 60 % ) was introduced to isolate spermatids from the cellular suspensions . the content of spermatids in each isolated fraction by percoll method was determined by morphology ( wright - giemsa stain ) and flow cytometry analysis , and the viability of spermatogenic cells was assessed by using eosin y exclusion test 在第一部分试验中,首先利用连续3次组合酶消化成年小鼠睾丸制备睾丸细胞悬液,然后经6层非连续percoll梯度离心法( 15 、 22 、 30 、 40 、 50和60 )分离,通过形态学和流式细胞术鉴定南京医科大学硕士学位论文各个percoll组分中精子细胞的含量,并以伊红y排斥试验测定细胞的存活率。